Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, April 12, 2024
Please Children, Live in Love, Live in Peace, Live in Prayer
Message from Our Lady to Angela in Zaro di Ischia, Italy of April 8, 2024

This evening the Virgin Mary showed up all dressed in white. The mantle that enveloped Her was also white and broad; the same mantle also covered Her head. On Her breast the Virgin had a heart of flesh crowned with thorns. Her hands were open as a sign of welcome, in Her right hand a long crown of the holy rosary as white as of light, reaching almost down to Her feet. The feet were barefoot and rested on the world, the world was shrouded in a great gray cloud. Mother slowly slid part of Her great mantle over the world and covered it.The Virgin Mary's face was very sad and worried.
Praise be to Jesus Christ.
Dear children, thank you for responding to this call of Mine.
I love you children, I love you immensely and if I am still here among you it is because of the infinite mercy of the Father.
Children, entrust yourselves to Me, let yourselves be enveloped by My light and My immense love. Please children, live in love, live in peace, live in prayer. Let your life be a continuous prayer. Learn to thank God for everything He gives you.
Children, the prince of this world will try in every way to divide you from My love. Please lay down the weapons of pride and sin and make up your minds for God, setting aside your ego.
Children, let God's love touch you, let His grace touch you.
Children, the Church will go through a great trial and tribulation. There will be a great split but you do not turn away from the truth. Draw strength from the Word and the Eucharist.
My children, I love you and ask you to pray much for My beloved Church, not only for the universal Church but also for the local Church. Pray much for My dear priests.
At this point, the Virgin Mary asked me to pray together with Her, we prayed for a long time. Then Mother resumed speaking.
My children, this blessed place guard it and preserve it. Pray, pray, pray.
Finally She blessed everyone. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.